REFINE-TECH® is a state-of-art in-house refinery units performance and yield prediction tool based on rigorous feed characterization, technology selection, product specifications and operating conditions. REFINE-TECH® is developed by AstraConcepts using over 50 years of refinery data. AstraConcepts engineers deliver optimized and fit-for-purpose conceptual models.

Key Benefits
Refinery-wide black box modeling
Well-qualified and proven data
Utilized for bankable feasibility studies
Customized to the study requirements
Ability to evaluate multiple scenarios
Integrated with CAPEX and OPEX economic simulation
Enables Refinery Linear Programming (LP) Economic Analysis
Crude / Condensate Distillation Unit (CDU)
Vacuum Distillation Unit (VDU)
Delayed/Flexi Coker Unit (DCU)
De-asphalting (DAU)
Visbreaker Unit (VBU)
Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCCU)
Hydrotreating Unit (HTU)
Hydrocracking Units (HCU)
Alkylation Unit (AKU)
Platforming (PLU)
Isomerization (IMU)
Amine Recovery Unit (ARU)
Sour Water Stripper (SWS)
Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU)
Saturated Gas Plant (SGP)